Sunday, September 15, 2013

Food for Thought

TAXI - Independent A&:R:Find out what sparks your interest and make you tic. In my email...TAXI is always looking for song writers..when they ask I get down and write a song..I have also created my own music to my songs. They are always looking for 100% copywright..that in itself motivates me to write my own song and create my own music, even if they never choose me. The songs are mine..all mine. Search for the people who will make a difference in your life...keep the negatives ones at a distance...but also use them as a tool to uplift your motivational spirits. Go out and do something positive when negative thinkers think you can't...they too, are motivation in your life..give them some credit for their insults and snares...reward them with a smile -- Have a nice day

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I listened to Nate Berkus on the Own Network.. "Super Soul Sunday" I realize that people who listen share a lot in common with him including myself. This is what I picked up from his wonderful inspiration: Nate and Oprah used words such as -- New Normal, Growth, Acceptance and New Beginnings. I was so hot into the topic that I wanted to share my views immediately on Oprah's fb page. However, I had to wait to be accepted. I jotted some of the conversation. He is really trying to say that you should "raise the bare of awareness...see things differently." We should see it in a positive light instead of a negative light. Imagine you have a segment of different ports e.g. joy, happy, sad...this is my interpretation o.k. at this point you are overwhelmed with problems; it is coming left and right at you. You really should focus on being calm. Evaluate each situation. It does not matter how bad it seems...even if it is at its worse. There will be times when you decide to handle it by listening to the voices inside you.(I do that a lot) That is o.k. but make sure that you are in the positive mode and you are listening intently. Use the positive "light bulb" if you see one pop up inside your head. It might be a memory, a taste, a smell, someone reminds you of a person you love, some kind words someone might have said..something that is pushing you towards your "light at the end of the tunnel."The negative voice will always, always bombard you. However, it is up to you to concentrate on the positive energy. You may feel guiddy which may cause your heart rate to increase; but just breath. Find a window so you can look up at the sky or the trees. In the trees and sky I see peace and tranquility; I see happy people talking, laughing dancing and singing. Stare for a while and be in their company. It will make you forget your problems for a while. Decide and figure out ways to deal with the positive force... will guide you. The more positive force marinate your body and spirit...the less the negative force gets time to consume you. The negative force will always be hanging around waiting for a chance to find a home into your body. For me it is God and my positive attitude. Remember to always stay focus. You may feel that you may want let go and give up. But stay your course. Remember "You fail...when you give up." Anxiety and Depression is another port that will come at you. People will beat you down at your lowest ebb; but just reward them with a smile..and..always stay calm. At this point you should have no anger or animosity towards anyone. Your day should look normal. The outside world should not see you as a stressful person. They should see you as happy and outgoing. Why? because your inner core is helping you to deal with all this stress. Most of the times you will feel peace of mind even when you remember all the multiple curves life is throwing at you. O.k. you now reach a point where your mind is processing all this. There is going to be a small portion in your brain that is pushing the negative status...just use the 90% of the positive thinking to overcome the negative; it would be like using a band aide to cover a very small boo, boo(the negative wound). How do I know all this...I use my inner voice to guide me. It gives me plenty of instructions to act on these things. After awhile you will feel calm and collected. The curves eventually will straighten out them selves. It is like "talking to the hand" tries to destroy you but you were not looking and listening to its demands. Never ask why me? Maybe God has something in store for you and he wants to know if you can handle the positive things in life that he has in store for you -- have a great day

Philosophy says that in a society there is no such thing as normal. I truly believe that saying...everyone has a flaw. Some people choose to explore the things that are happening to them, while some people choose to sweep it under the rug and continue to bash the people who are admitting to their flaws. Some people's flaws are visible and sometimes can be seen by everyone. However, there are people who have hidden flaws and they just appear and behave normal. Autism, Anxiety, Dyslexia and Depression are flaws that some people have. Yet, some people choose not to deal with these issues because they think that they may loose respect from others. Verbal Abuse & Alcoholism and other food disorders are flaws that some of us keep hidden.

The day the Lord has made:Greetings from my cousin Lucy:Good Morning All! "Never to old to chase your dreams!" ~ Diana Nyad - “It's time to shift into second gear and to pull out all the stops. There is still a lot of year left for you to make some great things happen. Reach deep down within and lunge forward toward your dream. Develop a stronger drive and determination to reach your goals. IN SPITE spite of circumstances, finances, or odds that might be working against you. Affirm to yourself that you are more powerful and talented than you give yourself credit for being. Give it all you've got. Push forward. Be creative, relentless and unstoppable! You have GREATNESS within you!” ~ Les Brown - Diana Nyad at age 64 became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida for nearly 53 hours after jumping into the ocean in Havana for her fifth try in 35 years! - What's your excuse for not following and capturing your dreams??? - Go out and get it!! Just do it !! - You ARE an AWESOME creation! - Have a great NEW day! - Blessings